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Oh my goodness did you hear what happened to that woman and her baby last week when she was walking home late at night?

Do I have your attention?

THIS is why storytelling is a great way to firstly, grab an audience’s attention, teach them a thing or two, and have  them remember the lessons in years to come.

If you are a teacher or a manager.. who is tied of your students and staff not listening to you, knowing this will make your life so much easier.

Even the busiest of people will stop to listen to someone’s story. If you want your students, team members, or staff to make time for training, trust me, threaten them with story time.

A good story will transport learners out of their stuffy meeting rooms, offices or a classroom and into an adventurous world. When the audience is in that new exciting world their mind becomes open to perceiving and thinking in new ways. This is an ideal position from which to learn new information and retain it.

Storytelling is a fundamental way in which human beings process and share information. Stories stick. They organise the information in a way that helps us think, learn and remember. They also evoke emotions which is what burns a memory into our brains. Not to mention, its fun to listen to a story and watch Netflix!

Stories can fuel understanding of all types of learning objectives including maths, science, history, social economics and even teaching appropriate behaviour and responses.

In its simplest form, storytelling remains a powerful element of communication, with the narrative being equally as compelling as essays and textbooks. Except unlike a textbook, presentations or pamphlet they humanise the learning experience, which brings in the emotion and makes it relatable to the student.

Narrative stories also put the viewer into someone else skin. What better way to learn what it is like to be a police officer than hear stories of being on the job through a documentary, a re-enactment or even an animation.

The narrative story should have four elements, people, place, a problem and the progress. Seeing the Protagonists adventure (with whom they can relate to) should inspire and motivate the audience to take that path, learn those lessons. They will be inspired to win, just like the character. And when your staff or students are motivated by an external force … they no longer need to be persuaded and you can stop wasting time on nagging and reminding them of something. Let the character do the work for you. There is something in the arc of the narrative, the quest that resonates with our mental makeup.

Remember our Croc brain that I spoke about a few Vlogs ago? If the information in front of you doesn’t serve your desire to survive and thrive right away, the brain will discard it. So when you want your students or staff to remember something, don’t throw them meaningless numbers and facts that are disconnected to anything important in their experience right now. Don’t lock them in a stuffy room with you droning on about something in a monotonous voice with a power point presentation.

But rather, create a world where they become a character embarking on a journey where they just happen to learn about the history of the world’s population or how to behave in a difficult situation at work.

We are certainly in a digital age, which means you should be teaching through narrative film. That way .. you make the lesson once and you can play it over and over again to different classes. Just press play, and facilitate the discussion after. Easy!

If you want to be really clever …. Remember Choose your Own Adventure Books? Well.. its now possible to produce choose your own adventure films where you can select the answers to the lessons learned, and reap the rewards.. or suffer the consequences.  This takes learning to another story level as they are both emotionally engaged and actively participating. WOW! Both learning powerhouses together! This is unstoppable.

Now… even though I believe we are all creative and all storytellers at heart. Please don’t try this alone, but call a professional filmmaker to come along side you to produce a narrative lesson that can be used in the classroom for years to come.

Good stories don’t age! That’s another beauty of film!

If you would like to talk to me about helping you produce a narrative film with a lesson please feel free to email me and Id love to help.

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Posted by dana in Director, Producer


Hi, Dana here, today I am going to talk about how to spot the Christian themes in regular movies.

So, if you don’t want to get brainwashed … you need to listen to this!

As I said in my previous vlog, when we sit down to watch a film, we are not just sitting down to shut off our minds. Even if we are not consciously aware of our brain working, we are bearing witness to the filmmakers world views. No matter many times you watch Gossip Girl because you love the riveting scandals and of course coverting Blake Lively’s hair, you are however also learning that if you have money and looks you can get away with anything.

Feature Films and series, what lens are they are using to present their world view?

For me personally, I am a Christian and I have been bought up listing to the stories from the greatest storyteller in history, Jesus. He would tell Parables to convey a message and teach a lesson. And we still do the same today! Even in Hollywood.

I like playing a fun game with myself at the movies, I call it… “Spot the Jesus themes.”

As far as movie themes go, there’s really just two. LIFE TRANSCENDENT & LIFE UNDER THE SUN. Both hold enough weight on their own and I love both styles, but it’s the LIFE TRANSCENDENT narratives where you see the under dog overcome a darkness and save the day. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter.. Same story.. Different characters.

I thought I would break down 3 blockbuster films for you and draw out what I see as Christian messaging. You may interpret it as something else, and that’s totally fine. When we are drawn into a story we definitely bring our own history with us. For all you non Christians listening, this is not a conversion Vlog, I simply want to point something out. Make sure you’re aware that you could be getting brain washed.

Film #1, A Quiet Place.

Love this film.

A thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world where aliens have invaded and are dedicated to hunting anything that makes a sound. So what does this teach us about christianity?

Well, Good old fashioned family values for one thing, which is not overtly Christian but still, it’s nice to see a strong husband and wife bond and a bond between parents and children. Their family unit is tried but still tight. Their family bond is an obvious theme throughout the film. And of course the ending, spoiler alert, when the father becomes the actual christ like figure, which is a common technique in storytelling where the hero sacrifices his own life to save his family. Does this sound like a biblical story to you.

Another film with a Christ like figures and just an overall entire story of Jesus, well.. If Jesus was a gorgeous man named Jason Mamoa.


This story follows an unlikely hero Arthur Curry, son of a light house keeper living on earth but with royal heritage of another world. He must fight and defeat his half brother to save the world, die and come back to life, to then return to his rightful home at Atlantis. Sound familiar? If not, read any of the Gospels in the Bible and you’ll see.

Last film,


with Jodie Foster.

Science Fiction is a great Genre as it allows us to deal with heavy questions such as the shape of ultimate reality, the meaning of life, and the place of humans in the universe. WOW! My brain hurts already!  It is a genre that is undeniably suited to dealing with big questions of faith. And unlike a lot of scifi films this one really touches on issues such as the existence of God, the meaning of faith, and the relationship between science and religion.

This isn’t a science versus religion film either, rather Hollywood presents popular attitudes towards religion and religious figures, none of them are a heroic, but still tries to bring them together in a hopeful positive cooperation between the two. However, in the end Faith is not granted the ability to stand on its own feet. The film resolves the question of ‘is there a god?’ to that of the same as ‘are there aliens out there?”, which may work for some audiences but not others. Still the film draws interesting parallels between faith and a belief in something outside of ones current knowledge base. Contact sure does raise some interesting questions that are worthy of a friendly debate.

So there you have it, next time you’re at the movies see if you can spot the Christ figure, or other Christian messages.

Obviously I have only touched on one particular lens in which filmmakers have been sharing their opinions.

Remember, People love Stories, and movies create a wonderful opportunity for teaching, illustrating and enriching lives through exploration and discussion.

I hope I have inspired you to watch movies through a different lens, I would love to hear your own findings so please send me an email.

Faith and Film Theological Themes at the Cinema – Byran T Stone
Hollywood Worldviews – Brain Godawa
Explorations in Theology and Film – Clive Marsh & Gaye Ortiz
How Movies Helped Save my Soul – Gareth Higgins

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Posted by dana in Director