melbourne director

VLOG S03 EP 01 | How to be a GO GETTER

VLOG S03 EP 01 | How to be a GO GETTER

I don’t know about you but being productive is one of my favorite things to do, but it’s not always easy.

If I’ve had a productive day when lots of things are crossed off my list, I sleep like a baby. I love finishing tasks and seeing the fruit of my labour. 

But, it’s easy to become overwhelmed at the ever growing list of things that keep piling up. And on top of your busy workload, you have life admin too. Maybe you don’t want to be an overachiever. Maybe you just want to get through the day without tearing out your hair.

So what does a productive person do in order to be known as someone who continues to kick goals or get through the day?

Don’t worry, I won’t suggest sleeping only 4hrs a night like some people do. As tempting as cutting back sleep in order to have more working hours sounds, sleep is important to be able to have brain clarity to work. I personally need at least 8hrs a night. Which at first, sounded like such a waste of time. But, without enough sleep for my body, I was useless for the time I was awake. Now THAT’S a waste of time. 

If you’re someone who is known for getting things done, you’ll become a sought after employee or leader of a team.

Donald Miller of Storybrand says to “Live Strategically, not reactively.” 

Such good advice for a multitude of things.

So here’s some productivity strategies.

Write not just one list, but multiple lists. There are so many list strategies you can try out. 

The one that works for me is to group my tasks in projects and break down action points under them. 

Then, on a separate list, I write down the 3 most important things to do that day. Donald Miller says we can’t do more than three things in a day. So everything else is secondary. I would also look at your secondary list and look at what you can delegate. You don’t have to be a hero and do it all by yourself, that’s what teamwork is for. 

Develop a sense of Urgency. This is an inner drive and desire to get on with the job quickly and get it done …fast. 

For this to work you need to develop the habit of concentration. To learn how to focus. This is incredibly difficult with all the distractions people face these days. So for a period of time, turn off all distractions. I would set a time limit to achieve each task and once the time is up or the thing is done, you can then check your messages or move on to the next tasks. This will feel like pulling teeth to start with, so persevere. Set a countdown timer next to you if you need. 

This point was a game changer for me. 

Arrange your schedule by considering what time of day works best. There are certain times of day where we are at our best. 

Identify these times and discipline yourself to schedule the most important challenging tasks around these times. 

For most people, 9 – 12pm is when we are best at making decisions. So Schedule meetings, proposals, all the thinking stuff, the biggest, the most annoying and hardest tasks before lunch.

At Lunch time, get fresh air. Stretch and move. 

2pm – 3pm is sleepy time. So schedule all the easy stuff during this time. 

3pm – 5pm accomplish your B list items. Only IF you have finished your top 3 things. 

Another helpful thing is to schedule tasks in your diary. If you have tasks scheduled, you do not have to waste energy or time trying to decide when to do it. It’s in the calendar at 9:15, you do it at 9:15.

As you move through your list, I would advise filing and keeping things in order as you go. This will look different depending on what you are doing. But have a place for everything and don’t get into the habit of thinking ‘I’ll put it there later’. 

Reject the impulse to action every email that comes in, in that instance. The action is.. To put it on your list and let the recipient know it’s on your list. 

Now my favorite part. At the end of each day, cross the things you’ve done off your list and give yourself a pat on your back. Then, make a new list or lists for tomorrow. Check your calendar and add in tomorrow’s milestones. I hope these ideas have been helpful. Being a go getter is a character trait you can develop. You just need to practice and don’t give up. 

Posted by dana in Director