Believe it or not, but marketing and sales is not a numbers game. It is not about throwing your bowl of spaghetti at the wall and seeing how much will stick. Sure some will stick, some will always stick.. But how many bowls of pasta do you want to make while only 5% sticks?
Your product, service or marketing content can reach the masses without having your target audience being ‘everyone’. In fact, you want to talk to your niche audience. Why? Because they are the ones who will get you, they are the ones that will talk about your product or services, wait in line to buy something from you, keep coming back and will bring their friends.
Simon Sinek, Marketing Expert, says “It is the percentage of people who share your beliefs and want to incorporate your ideas, your products and your services into their own lives as WHATs to their own WHYs. They look to WHAT you do as a tangible element that demonstrates their own purpose.” (Page 121)
But how do you talk to your niche audience once you’ve defined them?
Simple, you share why you’ve made the thing you’re talking about. And I’m not talking about so you can pay your rent next week. What is the core reason why you started doing what you’re doing. Share that story first. Make sure everyone on your team knows it too so they can share the why and make it their own.
That’s what people care about. We all want to be inspired and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. If you have the ‘what’ in some way shape or form to that.. You have the recipe that will make a lot of spaghetti stick.